240114 Weverse: Jay

240114 Weverse: Jay

🔗[Source](https://weverse.io/enhypen/artist/3-147140310) >非常幸福的第一天❤️ >>[It was a] very happy day❤️ Translation by [enhypenweverse](https://twitter.com/enhypenweverse/status/1746214105629737461?t=akfRYBy_gHFXewHR19hLlQ&s=19) by SaltyPoppy

240114 Weverse moment: Jake

240114 Weverse moment: Jake

🔗[Source](https://weverse.io/enhypen/moment/f48080556aacb95ae1d8ce309c59fa44/post/3-147139125) >I laid on my bed and thought of ENGENEs… Translation by [enhypenweverse](https://twitter.com/enhypenweverse/status/1746211176365572477?t=cee_Eobs5Kl42NtZko_QtA&s=19) by SaltyPoppy

240113 Twitter: ENHYPEN OFFICIAL @ Fate in Taipei Day 1

240113 Twitter: ENHYPEN OFFICIAL @ Fate in Taipei Day 1

🔗[Source](https://twitter.com/ENHYPEN/status/1746179363954159725?t=LM_VCy-M3LtXp8fwLWTrew&s=19) >[#오늘의ENHYPEN] Thank you for coming to today’s show. we’re looking forward to the next show, see you tomorrow!!!😆 #EN_FATE #240113 @ FATE in TAIPEI by SaltyPoppy

240113 Weverse: Ni-ki

240113 Weverse: Ni-ki

🔗[Source](https://weverse.io/enhypen/artist/0-133206727) >첫날 끝~🤘 >>First day finished~🤘 by SaltyPoppy