240209 Weverse: Sunghoon

240209 Weverse: Sunghoon

🔗[Source](https://weverse.io/enhypen/artist/3-150825190) >미역국은 정원이가 먹어야 하는데 >>Jungwonie should be the one eating seaweed soup [but] Translation based on [enhypenweverse](https://twitter.com/enhypenweverse/status/1755844856717754584?t=kWAOiQGaFouNwj6_fHwrZA&s=19) by SaltyPoppy

I tried drawing sunghoon.. help

I tried drawing sunghoon.. help

don’t make fun of me it’s my first time trying semi realistic styles I just wanted to draw sunghoon because I love him so much — I’ll be posting more…

240208 Weverse: Ni-ki

240208 Weverse: Ni-ki

🔗[Source](https://weverse.io/enhypen/artist/1-135026784) >잘자요 엔진~~ >>Goodnight Engene~~ by SaltyPoppy