Jay just went on Weverse live to update us on what he's been up to/what he's been wanting to tell us, and before he ended the live he said how hands-on with the Walk the Line tour they have been.

He said that this is the first time the members have been this deeply involved in the production and coordination of the stages. He said,

"We put an immense amount of thought into each and every stage, and this [Walk the Line] tour is one in which our thoughts and opinions were very heavily applied to each stage. While it could be said that our past tours came to fruition in tandem with us, this is the first time I can say we (the members) have illustrated/drawn out/been on the drawing board for a tour (i.e. this is the first time I can say we have been this deeply involved in the planning and creation of this tour)…we thought back on what made our concerts fun, what we wish we could have done different, what we would like to make better, and thought really hard on how best to translate those learned experiences and wishes into this tour.

He goes on to emphasize, "[Walk the Line tour] is a tour in which Enhypen had a stake/share/ownership in, which is why I am looking forward to it even more. All the regrets we have about past tours—everything we wish had been done differently for past tours—I feel we will be able to satisfy (ourselves) with this tour. I'm really looking forward to showing you what we've decided to improve upon/change. Please look forward to what a tour created by Enhypen looks like."

We never know what goes on behind the scenes. While I definitely disagree with Enhypen's scheduling and wish for rest and good health (always) and am really worried about injury and burnout, I also know that it's not my place to speak above the members.

My issue with the boycott of the tour was largely because so many of the comments I saw in defense/support of it spoke over the members as if Enhypen doesn't know what is good for them, and was centered on the assumption that this tour is something the members don't want, even when the members have said touring period is when they actually feel like artists and also when they finally get some downtime.

While I find Enhypen's schedule of dipping in and out of countries inefficient and unreasonable—like…come on…touring should not be cause for a sigh of relief from the members. Touring should not be the only time they are able to catch a breather—boycotting comebacks and tours or anything that has to do with the members' artistry and direct involvement as artists is something I can't wrap my head around as a fan. Targeting some of the very few instances the members have autonomy and the ability to design what they want to do and show as artists is something I don't understand.

I understand the timing of the boycott. The tour announcement literal hours after FATE+ came to a close was the nail in the coffin for an already agitated and concerned fandom. I also understand tours generate the most revenue and is the best target to "hit Belift where it actually hurts." I still don't think this boycott was went about in the best way. I don't think the best target was chosen.

I doubt I've written out my thoughts aptly, and I've definitely left out a lot so as to not assault you with an insurmountable wall of text. I'm also not here to lord my opinion over anyone and it's still, as always, up to the individual fan whether or not to continue with the boycott, but I made this post in the hopes that what Jay said in his live gives people some pause. Hopefully this gives people opportunity to reassess their misconceptions about how this tour came about.

by yoon_dowoon