**Recap based on live translations by** [namaewariki](https://twitter.com/namaewariki)**. All translation credits to them and thank you for all your hard work as always. Please note translations may not all be accurate, in order and include everything said on the live.**
Jay short voice live!
He said Lee Hyori’s Red Carpet was really fun, he learned a lot. They had been to a lot of variety shows now compared to debut but he felt genuinely comfortable there despite having a big audience there Lee Hyori hosted well.
Jay is preparing a lot of things with his guitar, he has them listen in his notes in order of urgency. He’s practicing every day at least 2 hours. He had the mind set that that he wants to get to a level that playing the guitar is not just a hobby but as if it was his main job. Playing an instrument while singing needs more talent and is more difficult than you’d think, and since he doesn’t have much talent in it the only way is to cultivate it little by little (with work/practice).
He has been thinking about doing another cover, but doing one takes a long time. Jay said Jake’s cover was shot like an MV, they have different styles for the visuals of the cover, they film it according to each of their opinions/directions. Jake went with this kind of style, for his next cover he’d like to do a live band session. Doing it playing the guitar would match him well.
Jungwon commented on Jay’s live asking what is he doing. Jay said they ordered food planned to eat together and it has arrived so he will go.
**Recap based on live translations by** [namaewariki](https://twitter.com/namaewariki)**. All translation credits to them and thank you for all your hard work as always. Please note translations may not all be accurate, in order and include everything said on the live.**
Jay short voice live!
He said Lee Hyori’s Red Carpet was really fun, he learned a lot. They had been to a lot of variety shows now compared to debut but he felt genuinely comfortable there despite having a big audience there Lee Hyori hosted well.
Jay is preparing a lot of things with his guitar, he has them listen in his notes in order of urgency. He’s practicing every day at least 2 hours. He had the mind set that that he wants to get to a level that playing the guitar is not just a hobby but as if it was his main job. Playing an instrument while singing needs more talent and is more difficult than you’d think, and since he doesn’t have much talent in it the only way is to cultivate it little by little (with work/practice).
He has been thinking about doing another cover, but doing one takes a long time. Jay said Jake’s cover was shot like an MV, they have different styles for the visuals of the cover, they film it according to each of their opinions/directions. Jake went with this kind of style, for his next cover he’d like to do a live band session. Doing it playing the guitar would match him well.
Jungwon commented on Jay’s live asking what is he doing. Jay said they ordered food planned to eat together and it has arrived so he will go.