Hi Everyone!

Content, performance and purchasing schedule for the week of 16th January[.](https://imgur.com/a/yFYTvRc)

|*Date*|*Time (KST)*|*Schedule*|*Where*|
|01.16.|18:30|BEAT AX Vol.2 Day 1|Yokohama Arena, Japan|
|01.17.|18:30|BEAT AX Vol.2 Day 2|Yokohama Arena, Japan|
|01.18.|21:00|En-o’clock (Episode 78)|[Enhypen Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@ENHYPENOFFICIAL)|
|01.19.|14:00|Fate Plus in Seoul Membership application starts|Weverse|
|01.19.|21:00 (20:00 SGT)|Fate in Singapore|Singapore Indoor Arena|
|01.20.|21:00 (20:00 SGT)|Fate in Singapore|Singapore Indoor Arena|

**Voting schedule:**

* Hanteo Music Awards – ‘Artist of the Year’ on Whosfan app end on 01.17. ([Tutorial](https://hanteo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/25508801032857), goal: top 3)

**Current streaming goals (Spotify/Youtube):**

* Drunk-Dazed, Polaroid Love to 300M (Spotify)
* Given-Taken, Bite Me to 200M (Spotify)
* Blessed-Cursed, Future Perfect to 100M (Spotify)
* Bite Me to 100M views (Youtube)
* Sweet Venom to 1M likes (Youtube)

You can check the general tour info and related thread links in the Tour megathread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/enhypen/comments/13x6aey/enhypen_2nd_world_tour_fate_megathread/).

by ENHYPENmodteam