Hi Everyone!

Thank you for participating in Jake’s birthday events and for all for your submissions, we look forward to your submissions during our next birthday event as well!

**First, a huge thank you for our lovely and adorable banners during the event to:**

>u/Harichani **for our Purple and Layla banners**



>u/letmein20cube **for our Orange banner!**


The ‘Best Of’ birthday events have officially concluded with categories of Best Selca, Funniest Moment and Best Performance from when Jake was 20!

# Best Selca

Including only pictures taken by Jake of himself from November 16th 2022.

We had a total of 8 eligible submissions, to make it more fun we’ve decided to go with a top 3!

1. Best selca by u/[hobisodes](https://www.reddit.com/user/hobisodes/)


>2. Best collab selca feat.Layla by u/[letmein20cube](https://www.reddit.com/user/letmein20cube/)


>3. Best mirror selca by u/[longtime\_lurker004](https://www.reddit.com/user/longtime_lurker004/)


Congratulations to the winners again! You can check out all submissions in the comments under the [event post](https://www.reddit.com/r/enhypen/comments/17n1vhw/what_is_your_favourite_jake_selca_2023_jake/).

# Funniest Moment

• Including Heeseung’s funniest moment from variety, live, guesting, performance or any other Enhypen Official content from 16th November 2022.

A picture you can hear?


>The winner is u/[wehwuxian](https://www.reddit.com/user/wehwuxian/)’s submission of the iconic “그게 뭐예요?????” from En-o’clock [episode 59](https://youtu.be/oocDf-mSp4k?si=OZ-uo256RQJ3mWSu&t=785) when Jake politely explodes at the referee over not penalising Ni-ki for his arrow falling off the target, after Jake was penalised for the same thing just before (but Ni-ki’s arrow had stayed on longer so it counted).

Shoutout to the other 2 submissions:

>Jake’s butt coming under slander by Jay on their live with him saying “As someone who smacks all members’ butts, Jake’s butt feels like I’m hitting bones.” by u/[Harichani](https://www.reddit.com/user/Harichani/) and Jake’s overly enthusiastic demonstration of cleaning fish on [En-o’clock Ep 66](https://youtu.be/VMBUmF72BKA?si=bkFKDS_IbDH_RyEC&t=834) by u/[InfernalQueen](https://www.reddit.com/user/InfernalQueen/).

# Best Performance

• Including performances from a concert, music show, festival or any other Enhypen official content from 16th November 2022.

We had a wide range of submissions here from the tour, music shows, award shows and we have 2 tied winners:

>u/[2jsbread](https://www.reddit.com/user/2jsbread/) for Jake’s Karma stages from Fate tour, ([here is a fancam from Houston](https://youtu.be/I_vytz9jAwg?si=9SEP6wMvvxqd37VM&t=178) feat cowboy hats from the audience!) “His energy during that song is amazing, especially because it is one of the last songs of the concert”
>u/SaltyPoppy for Jake’s M Countdown [Bills fancam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYlhDCvMb4U&pp=ygUaamFrZSBnbGVuZGFsZSBrYXJtYSBmYW5jYW0%3D) “The vocals, the glasses, the light contacts, his expressions… Just wonderful.”

Our ties for second place:

>[Music Bank Paris](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBLlrlpomBg) by u/[letmein20cube](https://www.reddit.com/user/letmein20cube/)
>[Jake fan cam of the CCMA Fever Performance](https://youtu.be/o_hLA7ngQ-Q?si=3SDJmHAFI0o9iYhg) by u/[longtime\_lurker004](https://www.reddit.com/user/longtime_lurker004/)
>[GDA](https://youtu.be/ijvdl_cFL20?si=IMWBvvbS1fw-3Nxn&t=368) Shout Out by u/[Samy\_127](https://www.reddit.com/user/Samy_127/)

You can check out all the submissions in the comments on our [event post](https://www.reddit.com/r/enhypen/comments/17stffa/what_is_your_favourite_jake_performance_2023_jake/?sort=top).

**Thank you again for everyone who participate in the Event, we hope you enjoyed! We look forward to your participation during Jake’s birthday. This nearly concludes Jake’s Birthday celebrations, we will keep the banner up till the end of the 16th and then move onto Comeback mode for Orange Blood on the 17th!**

**Please keep an eye out for Sunghoon and Ni-ki’s birthday events coming in December!**

by ENHYPENmodteam