Hi engenes!

It’s been a while since our [Music show guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/enhypen/comments/jwkrmr/overview_music_show_win_criterias_kind_words_to/) has been posted and there has been some changes in criteria, voting apps, attendance, etc. so here is the latest info!

But first: don’t feel pressured by this post, everyone has their own way of being a fan, it’s okay to be more casual or to be more involved! The goal is to enjoy following and supporting Enhypen in the ways that works for you!

The aim of this post is to provide info for those who would like to know more or participate in any of the support activities.

**What music shows are we focusing on?**

1. M Countdown
2. Music Bank
3. Inkigayo (or Inkigayo Hot stage)

Enhypen has stopped attending ‘Show Champion’ and ‘The show’ during Dark Blood era. The Show requires attendance to be nominated and Show Champ gives high points for attendance. They don’t attend Music Core and it’s also a difficult one to win without strong Korean digitals.

There is a chance for Show Champ and Music Core with good digitals and high sales but it’s smaller than M Countdown and Music Bank.

Enhypen’s strenght have been physical sales, global streaming and voting for previous comebacks, but sales have been higher across the board recently and November will be a packed cb month so voting will also play a big role in getting music show wins.

Here is an overview of the tracking, voting and airing dates for all the music shows:

[data and visuals by ProdbyEngene on Twitter](https://preview.redd.it/zwdq5or9ksvb1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee3b3fe7165241a9e2e54be704c9239704cc77a2)

# M Countdown – Thursday

Win criteria

* **Digital 50%** \- Circle Global K-pop chart (Global Streaming, Downloads, BGM on Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube Music, Melon, Genie, Bugs, FLO, VIBE)
* **Physical album 15%** \- Circle album chart
* **Pre-vote 15%** \- Mnet Plus app/Mnet.world site (1 vote/account/day)
* **SNS 10%** \- Youtube MV views
* **Broadcast 10%** \- Song played on Mnet broadcasts, MCD attendance
* **Live-vote 10%** \- Mnet Plus app 1 vote/acc (first place nominees only)

[data and visuals by enhypenvt on Twitter](https://preview.redd.it/ru9yvp5hgsvb1.png?width=561&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fae2dea0922a8a5d22251cbcf90ae404950d042)

Tracking and Voting Period:

Tracking: Monday to Sunday. Enhypen will be nominated on their first performance (11.23.) so their tracking will be from Friday to Sunday for the first week. Monday to Sunday on second week.

Prevote: Saturday 00:00 to Monday 23:59 KST

How you can support:

>Listen to the title track on your preferred streaming app from the digital list. M Countdown uses global charts so your plays count from any country as long as you use an app that’s on the list!
>Watch the MV on Youtube and give it a like/comment, share so it gets recommended to more people.
>Pre-order or purchase the physical album during the tracking period, if you are planning to buy.

**Voting:** Register your email(s) on the Mnet plus app/site, join the MCountdown Community and cast your votes daily during the prevote period. If Enhypen is nominated, the live voting will open sometime during the show, cast your vote(s).

## Music Bank – Friday

Win criteria

* **Digital 60%** \- Position on weekly top 200 on Melon, Genie, Bugs, FLO, VIBE (needs entry on at least 1 to be eligible)
* **Physical album 5%** \- Circle Album chart
* **Pre-vote 20%** \- Mubeat app
* **SNS 5%** \- Youtube MV views, Tiktok
* **Broadcast 20%** \- Song played on KBS broadcasts, Music Bank attendance

[data and visuals by enhypenvt on Twitter](https://preview.redd.it/4y9ivhppgsvb1.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=c17c7adfebd1c9595a59193e52a19374ed857f7c)

Tracking and Voting Period:

Tracking: Monday to Sunday. Enhypen will be nominated on their performance on 11.24 so their tracking will be from Friday to Sunday for the first week. Monday to Sunday on second week.

Prevote: Monday 11 AM – Wednesday 11 AM KST

How you can support:

>Listen to the song on the domestic streaming apps on the list if you have access.
>Watch the MV on Youtube and give it a like/comment, share so it gets recommended to more people.
>Engage with Tiktoks using the title track sound/use the sound for your tiktoks.
>Pre-order or purchase the physical album during the tracking period, if you are planning to buy.

**Voting:** Register your email(s)/twitter on the MuBeat app. “Heart Beats” have to be collected for voting. They can be collected most easily by watching short ads (15 ads per day, 3 beats per ad > 45 beats per day) there are other ways depending on whether you are willing to spend extra time/money. [Tutorial thread](https://x.com/heestheone_/status/1659413040838868992?s=20).

## Inkigayo – Sunday

Win criteria

* **Digital 55%** \- Melon, Genie, FLO (needs entry on Circle Digital chart to be eligible)
* **Physical album 10%** \- Circle Album chart
* **Pre-vote 5%** \- Idol Plus (international), Melon (domestic)
* **SNS 30%** \- Youtube MV views
* **Broadcast 20%** \- Song played on SBS broadcasts
* **Live Vote 5%** \- Superstar X

**Bonus Award: Hot Stage** – 100% fan voted via Superstar X the week after their performance (might be our only option for an Inkigayo trophy without strong domestic digitals)

[data and visuals by enhypenvt on Twitter](https://preview.redd.it/wlc91ff1hsvb1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fa773d06d19b0419dff251ec41f3d4c67907e6c)

Tracking and Voting Period:

Tracking: Monday to Sunday. Enhypen will be nominated on their performance on 11.26. so their tracking will be from Friday to Sunday.

Prevote: Monday – Friday 11:59 PM KST (for international fans on idolplus)

How you can support:

>Listen to the song on the domestic streaming apps on the list if you have access.
>Watch the MV on Youtube and give it a like/comment, share so it gets recommended to more people.
>Pre-order or purchase the physical album during the tracking period, if you are planning to buy.

**Voting**\*\*:\*\* For pre-vote register your email(s)/Twitter on the Idolplus site, cast your votes daily during the prevote period. For Hot stage and live voting collect “rubies” on the Superstar X app. Rubies can be collected by watcing ads (2 ruby/ad 15 ads/day). If Enhypen is nominated, the live voting will open sometime during the show, cast your vote(s). [Link](https://t.co/HSJwRFk0ST) and [tutorial](https://x.com/KshowAnalysis/status/1714219219653697868?s=20) for idolplus. [Tutorial](https://youtu.be/fPCZidqUVf0?si=ECfEtWFlcDOyHSSs) for Superstar X.

# Non-priority Music Shows:

# Show Champion:

[data and visuals by enhypenvt on Twitter](https://preview.redd.it/7ex0svkshsvb1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=73a7b51050751c499cb8b8bb7174c10f0193ddf8)

Airs Wednesdays.

**Prevote period:** Friday – Monday on Idolchamp

**How you can support:** Same as above.

**Voting:** IdolChamp app, collect hearts (“chamsims”) by attendance, commenting and watching ads. (Blue “chamsims” expire on the last day of the month)

# Music Core

[data and visuals by enhypenvt on Twitter](https://preview.redd.it/fvj2o8uxhsvb1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5f66072e3bc465b0afd15ed956a7c38d23b21a4)

Airs Saturdays.

**Prevote period:** Tuesday – Thursday on Mubeat

**How you can support:** Same as above.

**Voting:** Register your email(s)/twitter on the MuBeat app. “Heart Beats” have to be collected for voting. They can be collected most easily by watching short ads (15 ads per day, 3 beats per ad > 45 beats per day). [Tutorial thread](https://x.com/heestheone_/status/1659413040838868992?s=20).

# + Bonus:

* In the app **Duckad** you can collect points that can be exchanged for plays for the title track on Korean streaming platforms (Melon, Genie, Bugs), this can help increase the digital score for all music shows. [Video tutorial](https://x.com/vocalsjay/status/1714216105475002467?s=20).
* A thread of basic collecting info for the voting apps [here](https://x.com/woniangz/status/1711000892240003355?s=20).
* Voting Application tutorials can be found on [this carrd](https://encreasevt.carrd.co/) (by [En-crease voting team](https://x.com/ENCREASEVT/status/1691269635893862400?s=20)).

[Enhypen’s first M Countdown win with Bite Me](https://preview.redd.it/0aps25btmsvb1.png?width=509&format=png&auto=webp&s=7177d923e0cb1441d18e8c0b13e87d4661bc52d0)

If you have any questions about the shows, the apps or anything else regarding supporting Enhypen during this comeback, you can ask here or via chat/message. If you spot any mistakes please let me know!

Hope this guide helped with understanding how the shows work and how you can contribute to getting them some more wins.

Have fun during the comeback!

[Last Update: 2023.10.23.](https://preview.redd.it/t1qduqsolsvb1.png?width=341&format=png&auto=webp&s=e157e565a98a06ef8f0f72129b1e9a63618ca898)

by SaltyPoppy