Maybe this was already brought, but I didn’t see it, then sorry for the repetition. Today I saw an analysis of a clip here that perfectly explained everything that was happening.

Since there is only one human embodiment of Chloe and all the guys are in love with her, but of course they can’t date her, so they rock paper scissors choose the one who will confess to her.

At the beginning of the film we see Sunghoon winning. While everyone else chooses scissors, he chooses a stone.

Then we all see romantic shots of each participant with Chloe. These are their dreams of a declaration of love. For example, Jay in the flower shop, Sunoo at the carnival (nothing suspicious about his mask, he's just making a recognitionat the festival), Heeseung on the roof of the house under the pink moon, and so on. That is, this is all their idea of ​​​​an ideal date with recognition. The only question is who will get this right to recognition.

At the end we see Jongwon and how some thought he stopped or changed time. In fact, they all just looked into the future (and he thought longer than the others, lol) to find out what the right choice to make in the game. They all saw Sunghoon with his choice of stone. Since they all want to win, each of them now chooses a stone. Except for Ni-ki, who either simply understood what everyone was up to or saw more possibilities in the future. But he is the only one who chooses the paper now. He wins.

The ending is less clear. There is a possibility that this is just the moment when Ni-ki takes Chloe on a date, as we remember, he imagined a date in a car in nature. But why are they standing and blocking the path? Perhaps they are simply expecting some kind of astronomical phenomenon? Maybe Ni-ki is going to show some magic to Chloe (we remember that they showed all sorts of magical miracles in their dreams) and is waiting for the right moment, and they don’t care that they are disturbing the others, lol. Ni-ki's little smile at the end looks like a winner's smile, so he is a little separated from the rest of the participants and looks at the sky while the others discuss which blood type is tastier)))

Here is a theory that seems the most logical of all that I have come across.

by Marimiury